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Why Permanent Magnets Can Be Used in Generators?

2024-03-26 11:50:14


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As an indispensable and important equipment in modern industry and social life, generators are of various types with different functions. Among them, permanent magnet generators have been widely used in many fields with their unique advantages. The reason why permanent magnets (PMs) can be used in generators, and the basic information of the permanent magnet generator (PMG) will be illuminated below.

Basic characteristics of permanent magnets

Permanent magnets, as the name suggests, are materials with permanent magnetism. Permanent magnets are made of materials with high magnetic permeability, such as iron, cobalt, nickel and so on. Treated specially during the manufacturing process, the magnetic field inside these materials is stable. The magnetic properties of permanent magnets derive from their internal microstructure, especially the arrangement of the magnetic domains. When magnetic domains are systematically aligned, their individual magnetic fields interact and superimpose to form a significant macroscopic magnetic field. Should a permanent magnet be brought sufficiently close to an electrical conductor, the resultant magnetic field disrupts the equilibrium of free electrons within that conductor. This interaction induces an electronic current – a process formally termed as ‘magnetic induction’. By utilizing this electromagnetic principle, one can coalesce a permanent magnet with an apt conductor; thus enabling electricity production via the generated current in said conductor.

Hydropower station is one of the application fields of permanent generator.

Working principle of permanent magnet generator

The working principle of permanent magnet generator is based on the law of electromagnetic induction and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. When the rotor (with permanent magnets) of a permanent magnet synchronous generator rotates inside the stator (with windings), the magnetic field of the permanent magnets cuts the wires in the stator windings, thus generating an induced electromotive force in the wires. When the external load is closed, the induced current will flow in the load, realizing the conversion of electric energy.


Advantages of permanent magnets in generators

Compared with traditional electromagnets, the high magnetic energy product

Traditional electromagnets require an external power source to produce a magnetic field, leading to energy losses and a more complex generator construction. In contrast, permanent magnets generate a magnetic field inherently, eliminating the need for additional power input and simplifying the design.

Summary of Key Advantages

Permanent magnets offer several key advantages in generators, including higher magnetic field strength, no need for external current excitation, high energy conversion efficiency, smaller size and lighter weight, energy savings, and environmental benefits. These advantages contribute to more efficient, reliable, and sustainable power generation.

High Magnetic Field Strength

Explanation of High Magnetic Energy Product Characteristics

Permanent magnets possess a high magnetic energy product, which measures the density of magnetic energy stored within the magnet. This characteristic allows them to produce strong magnetic fields.

Comparison with Traditional Electromagnets

Traditional electromagnets require significant energy to achieve comparable magnetic field strength. Permanent magnets achieve higher field strengths without additional energy input.

Impact on Generator Magnetic Field Strength

The high magnetic field strength of permanent magnets enhances the generator’s ability to induce a larger current, resulting in increased power generation efficiency.

Increased Current Generation and Power Generation Efficiency

With stronger magnetic fields, permanent magnet generators can generate more current, thereby improving the overall efficiency and output of the power generation process.

No Need for External Current Excitation

Independence from External Power Sources

Permanent magnets do not require an external current to maintain their magnetic field. This independence simplifies the generator’s operation and reduces the reliance on external power sources.

Simplification of Generator Construction

Without the need for excitation windings and systems, the construction of the generator is significantly simplified. This reduction in components leads to a more straightforward and robust design.

Reduction in Energy Losses

Eliminating the need for an excitation current reduces energy losses associated with generating the magnetic field. This leads to more efficient operation and lower energy consumption.

Increased Reliability of the Generator

With fewer components and no need for an excitation system, the overall reliability of the generator is enhanced. There are fewer points of failure, resulting in longer operational life and reduced maintenance requirements.

High Energy Conversion Efficiency

Stability of the Magnetic Field with Permanent Magnets

Permanent magnets provide a stable magnetic field, which is crucial for consistent and efficient energy conversion in generators.

Efficient Conversion of Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy

The stable and strong magnetic field of permanent magnets allows for efficient conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy, maximizing the generator’s output.

Larger Magnetic Field Production with the Same Size and Weight

Permanent magnets can produce a larger magnetic field compared to electromagnets of the same size and weight. This results in higher power density and more efficient operation.

Elimination of Energy Loss in the Magnetic Field

The inherent stability and strength of the magnetic field in permanent magnets eliminate energy losses typically associated with maintaining the magnetic field in traditional electromagnets.

Small Size and Light Weight

Simplified Structure Without Excitation Windings and Systems

The absence of excitation windings and systems reduces the complexity and size of the generator. This simplification leads to a more compact and efficient design.

Increased Overall Power Density

With a more streamlined structure, permanent magnet generators have a higher power density, meaning they can produce more power per unit of size and weight.

Compact and Lightweight Design

The compact and lightweight nature of permanent magnet generators makes them easier to install and maintain, reducing overall system costs and space requirements.

Reduction in Manufacturing Costs

The simplified design and reduced number of components lower manufacturing costs, making permanent magnet generators a more cost-effective solution.

Improved Reliability and Service Life

The reduction in mechanical complexity and moving parts enhances the reliability and extends the service life of the generator, leading to lower long-term maintenance costs.

Energy Saving and Environmental Protection

Reduction in Energy Waste and Higher Energy Utilization

Permanent magnet generators operate more efficiently, reducing energy waste and increasing the overall utilization of generated energy.

Contribution to Lower Carbon Emissions

Higher energy efficiency and reduced reliance on external power sources contribute to lower carbon emissions, supporting environmental sustainability goals.

Positive Impact on Long-Term Operating Costs and Economic Efficiency

The efficient operation of permanent magnet generators translates to lower operating costs and improved economic efficiency over the long term.

Reduction in Harmful Metal Materials and Gas Emissions

Permanent magnet generators use fewer harmful metal materials and produce fewer emissions during operation, aligning with low-carbon environmental protection standards.

Compliance with Low-Carbon Environmental Protection Standards

The environmental benefits of permanent magnet generators help meet modern industry requirements for low-carbon and environmentally friendly solutions.

Low Noise and Low Vibration Characteristics

The operation of permanent magnet generators is characterized by low noise and vibration levels, enhancing comfort and reducing environmental impact.

Versatility and Application Scenarios

Suitability for Renewable Energy Fields

Permanent magnet generators are well-suited for various renewable energy applications, including wind power, hydroelectric power, and solar power, due to their efficiency and reliability.

Applications in Mobile Power Fields

These generators are also ideal for mobile power applications such as automobiles, ships, and aerospace, where compact size, light weight, and high efficiency are critical.


Permanent magnets offer numerous advantages in generator applications, including higher magnetic field strength, elimination of external current excitation, high energy conversion efficiency, compact size, lightweight design, energy savings, and environmental protection. These benefits collectively enhance the efficiency, reliability, and environmental sustainability of power generation systems.

part of permanent magnet generators

Development trend and challenges of permanent magnet generator

With the progress of science and technology and the improvement of environmental awareness, permanent magnet synchronous generators will continue to maintain the momentum of rapid development in the future. On the one hand, the continuous emergence of new materials and new processes will further improve the performance of permanent magnets and promote the development of permanent magnet generators in the direction of higher efficiency and lower cost. On the other hand, the construction of smart grid, distributed power generation and other new power systems will provide a broader application space for permanent magnet generators.

However, permanent magnet generators also face some challenges in the application process. First, compared with traditional generators, the cost of permanent magnet generators is relatively high, which limits their promotion in some low-cost applications. Secondly, the magnetic force of permanent magnet generators mainly comes from permanent magnets, whose magnetism is easily affected by temperature, which increases the complexity of their application. Therefore, the permanent magnet’s ability to resist high temperature and corrosion needs to be further improved to adapt to harsher working environments. In addition, permanent magnet generators are made to maintain their magnetic field without external energy, but this also makes it difficult to regulate and control their magnetic field from the outside, thus limiting the scope of their application. With the development of power generation technology, how to optimize the control system of permanent magnet generators and improve their performance in dynamic regulation and fault protection is also a problem to be solved in the future. In order to fully utilize the advantages of permanent magnet generators, continuous technological innovation and research and development are needed to overcome these challenges.

Enneng is a high-tech enterprise intergrating R&D and manufacturing of permanent magnet motors. With more than dozens of patents, Enneng has ranked as “100 Innovative Enterprises” in Qingdao and have been selected as a member of the Qingdao Motor Association. The three-phrase synchronous generators, studied out by Enneng, are widely applied in power systems of marine stations, offshore drilling platforms, land power stations, etc. Enneng can make perfect customization for different customers according to different demands. Whatever you need, our experienced engineers shall provide the effective solution as you required. Your demand is always what we pursue!


In summary, because permanent magnets have the advantages of constant magnetic field, high energy conversion efficiency, and a wide range of application areas, which makes their application in generators have significant advantages and application value. Through an in-depth study of the performance characteristics and application principles of permanent magnets, it can be found that the application of permanent magnets in generators is a highly efficient and environmentally friendly power generation method that meets the needs of modern industrial and social development, and can be done to continue to promote the development of the electric power industry. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the challenges faced by permanent magnet generators, and constantly explore new technologies and processes in order to realize the continuous innovation and progress of permanent magnet synchronous generators. It is believed that with the continuous progress of science and technology, the application of permanent magnets in generators will become more and more widespread, providing people with more efficient and reliable power supply.